Music Works Magic

Creating and sharing music is a most wonderful and worthwhile experience. We invite you all to come and join our music making community or visit our shop.

Music for the whole family.

Music & singing classes for children and adults. Learn piano, guitar, drums, violin & other music instruments. Children's birthday parties, puppets & fun. Ph: (613) 85544339

At Music Works Magic, we understand that the voice is our first instrument and that if you can sing in tune, you know how to listen and recall the sounds that you hear.
And, if you want your child to learn to play an instrument, it’s vital they master their first instrument - the voice - and learn to sing in tune. Good musicians always sing. This process can begin with babies. We don’t wait until our children are old enough before we talk to them. We speak to them in-utero - indeed we can sing to them in-utero.

Babies have musical memory from as young as 22 weeks. It’s wonderful if children can be surrounded by a community, or group that can sing together, vocalise and interact through music.
Those who sing tunefully, connect with their instrument and progress so much faster than those merely learning music as a mechanical process. Building good musical foundations is key.

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